Medical Facility Development
Management & Operations

Medical and health maintenance/promotion facilities should be patient-centered, functional and cost-effective to operate.
All departments must be well integrated, and the clinical and diagnostic laboratory sections which are essential elements for effective health maintenance and health-care delivery must be well designed and laid-out. A well-planned and managed hospital will provide excellent health care and be profitable.
To be sustainable and profitable, the design, planning and management of the hospital, diagnostics centers and associated laboratories must be adequate and efficient in space, equipment, and flexible to accommodate rapidly changing technologies and activity processes. To be successful the management must have background experience in hospital management and administration, and a track record of running a profitable hospital.
ITSI’s hospital management solution includes the design and deployment of health information systems for hospital. ITSI utilizes hospital information systems that have been well tested in the industry to help each hospital store, retrieve and modify records quickly/accurately and with an audit trail.